Pure Thoughts

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Good morning!  Today’s verse is good example of how God gives us a clear view of what He means. Years ago, my Sunday School teacher taught me that since Jesus is known as the Word of God and the law is complete in Him, one can replace any word in Psalm 119 that refers to “word, law, precepts, testimonies, commandments” and replace those words with Jesus. Psalm 119 truly opens your eyes to how the Lord is at the center of His words!

Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Rev_19:13  And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

Let’s take today’s verse and experiment with it: Psalm 119:9  BETH. Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to “Jesus.” Do you see what I mean? Therefore, how can you have pure thoughts? You can do so by heeding the scriptures. If you don’t already do so, each day you should take time out and read your bible with purpose, preferably first thing in the morning. What do I mean by purpose? You want to get something out of your reading, don’t you? That’s how we grow closer to God. Pray first, asking the Lord to speak to your heart through your reading.

After you’ve read, think on it for a few minutes. Mull it over in your mind a bit. The more you think about a verse, the more you will learn from it: the more it will “speak” to you. Then pull out your study notebook and ask yourself “who, what, when, where, why and how.” Answer as many as possible. This will give you something to pray about. So let’s look at today’s verse:

Who is God talking about? He’s talking to me.
What is God saying? He’s telling me how I can cleanse my way. 
When? When I am confronted with the temptation to sin.
Why? To keep me from sin.
How? By taking heed to His word.

Now I pray about this verse and what the Lord has taught me. Heavenly Father, help me to take today’s verse at heart and obey your instructions. Impress that verse upon my heart every time I am confronted to go against your will for my life.

When a verse really speaks to my heart, I tend to remember it throughout the day and it pops into my mind when I really need it. That’s what today’s verse is all about. 🙂

I hope you are blessed with today’s devotionals. Please leave me a comment should you have any questions.

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